Holistic approach to landscape maintenance
A healthy and attractive lawn requires more than just the mowing, edging, weeding, watering, and fertilizing services other companies provide. Landscape East & West looks at lawn care services a little differently. We treat your lawn as if it’s our own, tending to every detail, because we know that’s what it takes to provide the best service possible. Our meticulous maintenance services include all the extras we feel are necessary to promote long-term lawn health and keep your landscape healthy, thriving, and beautiful.
Our excellent lawn care services are the result of more than three decades of experience, and it means taking care of what you can see, and what you can’t. For example, we know exactly when to adjust the mower deck heights throughout the season to reduce thatch build-up and reduce disease and fungus susceptibility, and how to help reduce ruts and keep the grass healthy and growing in the right direction by alternating mowing patterns. Here are a few other examples that illustrate how you’ll benefit from the collective knowledge of our experienced team:
Assessment and adjustments: Soil pH is analyzed annually to see if a limestone application is needed to maintain the optimal balance of 6.0 to 7.0 for turf grass.
Solid and maintained equipment: We sharpen our mower blades every other week to make sure our cuts are clean and don’t rip or tear the grass, causing tips to turn brown.
Advanced combination of nutrients: Our proprietary turf fertilizer has been developed to achieve optimum northwest turf grass performance.
Diagnosis and problem-solving: We possess the expertise required to diagnose a wide variety of turf insect and disease problems. Knowing the difference between cranefly and cranberry girdler and how to distinguish red thread from brown patch enables us to provide the right solution to make your lawns healthy and strong.
Frequent contact: Your dedicated Account Manager will maintain frequent and open communication with you to be sure you’re receiving consistently superior service.
Find out for yourself what it’s like to work with a company that provides the communication you need, the commitment you deserve, and the confidence you can trust.