Pet-friendly Portland Landscaping Designs

April 30, 2014

Portland residents love their pets and, with urban farming on the rise, it’s not unusual to see chickens, ducks, rabbits and goats in a neighbor’s yard. We wanted to share some pet-friendly Portland landscaping designs, so that you can see how pets and homeowners can live in harmony.

You can have a beautiful yard and all the furry and feathered friends you want, if you just plan ahead. We invite you to read more about our dog-friendly Portland landscaping design ideas.

Portland Landscaping Pet Friendly PlantsPortland Landscaping Pet Friendly Plants

Remember to include pet-friendly plants in your landscaping design! Some common garden plants are toxic, so be sure to do your research or ask a vet before planting!

Portland Landscaping Pest Control Portland Landscaping Fenced In Chicken Coop

Don’t want to use pesticides in your garden? We consider chickens organic pest control Portland-style! The photo on the right shows a custom coop, smartly fenced in – making it easier to keep all your eggs in one basket! Did you know that Landscape East & West offers organic lawn, tree and shrub care? We invite you to learn more.

Portland Landscaping Synthetic TurfPortland Landscaping Synthetic Turf

Curious about synthetic turf? The two photos above are exactly that! Synthetic turf looks lush and green,  minimizes muddy paws and more.

Portland Landscaping Dog Run

 Portland Landscaping Dog RunDog runs can be customized for your pet’s needs and for your yard. The experts at Landscape East & West can help you put a plan together, recommend materials and more. Because, in the end, this is what we want to see – happy pets!

Portland Landscaping for Pets

