Should You Be Concerned About A Crane Fly Problem? [Hint: Yes]

April 09, 2019

It’s finally spring in the Pacific Northwest! As the warmer weather invites us outdoors, a gentle breeze bathes our senses in the sweet smells of fresh garden blooms. We gaze across our verdant landscape and see…a thinning, brown patch smack dab in the middle of our lawn??

A Spring Problem That Takes Root In The Fall

We’re not the only residents who view the Pacific Northwest as an ideal place to call home. Do you remember the adult Crane flies you saw flying around your home last fall (they look like giant mosquitoes)? They laid eggs and it’s their offspring that have overwintered and are now feeding and growing at an alarming rate. By late May through June, they’ll move into the pupal stage of their life cycle. In some cases, we’ll see overlapping life cycles of this insect as the damaging European Crane fly compete with the native Crane fly, which tends to be less damaging to our beautiful turf areas.

Each spring many Portland homeowners notice their lawns thinning and in some areas just down-right disappearing. This year we’re seeing a higher than average infestation in the Portland area. Oregon had a wet fall and a mild winter/early spring. As residents see evidence of turf thinning, they may also notice how their desirable grass is damaged or eaten by these nocturnal feeding larvae, and yet the undesirable grasses are left untouched and continue to thrive.


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The Right Approach To Controlling Crane Flies

What should homeowners do once they recognize Crane flies have taken up residence in their lawn?

The good news is once you’re able to control the infestation you’ll be able to return your lawn to its optimal health.

Landscape East & West effectively controls Crane flies using the most natural biological methods available. Our experts control pests like Crane fly with live spores of a naturally occurring fungus that targets larvae of this specific insect. We treat all turf areas in the fall where damage is most prevalent. When we examine turf in the spring we’ll identify any areas that would benefit from an additional treatment.

Our approach is simple:

  • Reduce the Crane fly larvae population to below damaging levels
  • Leave beneficial worm populations unaffected
  • Provide a treatment that is safe for kids and pets
  • Promote a healthy, thriving lawn

Addressing an infestation when it’s already a problem will help in the short term. But prevention is the best solution if you want to protect your lawn and keep it healthy. An experienced landscaping company that provides full-service residential maintenance understands how to monitor a landscape’s health year-round. By identifying the signs of a potential problem in the late summer and early fall, appropriate steps can be taken to prevent pests such as Crane fly larvae, from causing damage in the spring.


Take Back Your Lawn

Contact Landscape East & West and let us revitalize your lawn. Our lawn care maintenance team will help you say goodbye to those bare, muddy areas in the winter and take care of any necessary reseeding in the spring.

Let the experts at Landscape East & West deliver the full-service landscaping maintenance you need, the personalized service you deserve, and a Landscape You Love.


