Month: August 2011

Do You Need a Retaining Wall?

August 31, 2011

Portland landscaping retaining wall designIt’s interesting how humans often fail to notice what they don’t appreciate. For instance, retaining walls are found around many homes, businesses and schools, but until you realize you might need a one, you probably don’t pay much attention to the retaining walls in your neighborhood. (more…)

How to Build a Long-Lasting Fence or Deck

August 25, 2011

Adding a deck or fence can boost your home’s curb appeal and overall value. Landscape management experts commonly praise fences and decks for the fact that they create comfortable outdoor living spaces. Professional landscaping gurus, however, also have plenty of first-hand knowledge on how terrible a run-down deck or fence can look. Fortunately, there are plenty of low-maintenance, long lasting decking and fencing materials that will compliment your landscaping. (more…)

Keeping Your Grass Green during the Summer Months

August 18, 2011

Americans are wild about their lawns. Every year, they mow turf areas equivalent to the size of Pennsylvania and spend $8.5 billion on lawn care. However, even if you spend the average of 40 hours per year mowing and caring for your lawn, it’s possible to see your turf turn an unattractive shade of brown once the summer heat hits. (more…)

August Landscaping and Gardening Tips for West Linn Homeowners

August 12, 2011

Poet Anne Sexton advises her readers to “Hesitate in August. Be shy. Let your toes tremble in their sandals.” Many lawn care maintenance firms and landscaping companies would certainly disagree – after all, if you just sit around watching your toes tremble all month, the weeds will soon destroy your landscaping. West Linn and Portland residents should instead complete the following tasks recommended by landscaping companies in order to see gorgeous results in your landscaping. (more…)

Landscape Maintenance and the Benefits of Using a Mulching Mower

August 02, 2011

West Linn Lawn CareA mulching mower is good for the earth and for your house landscaping budget. Mulching mowers facilitate grasscycling, an earth-friendly landscape maintenance practice that involves leaving your clippings on the lawn as fertilizer. A mulching mower cuts up what it mows into tiny pieces—i.e., into mulch that you can then use in your garden – and delivers those clippings back to your lawn. (more…)

