Month: June 2012

5 Principles of Sustainable Landscape Maintenance

June 27, 2012

Sustainability is not limited to any particular industry. All types of workers can make more sustainable daily choices to help protect the environment, and landscape maintenance is no exception. If you’re looking for a green landscape maintenance service, it’s helpful to understand the top principles in sustainable landscaping, as described below. (more…)

Landscape East & West Top 100 Green Companies to Work for in Oregon

June 11, 2012

100 Best Green Companies to Work for in Oregon 2012We are truly excited to announce that Landscape East & West is one of Oregon Business Magazine's Top 100 Green companies to Work for in Oregon - for the second year in a row! The 100 Best were selected by more than 20,000 employees from the 431 companies and nonprofits that took part in two anonymous surveys. In the green survey, Oregon workers ranked their satisfaction with and the importance of 10 statements related to sustainable practices at their workplaces such as energy conservation, water use, buying local, recycling and support for mass transit. Then employers were independently scored on their sustainable policies and procedures. (more…)

