Month: March 2018

Our Grass Is Always Greener — Lawn Care Tips From The Pros

March 27, 2018

Lawns have remained a desirable element of a beautiful landscape for centuries. The first lawns were owned by royalty and served as status symbols, so it’s no surprise an exquisite lawn improves curb appeal increasing the value of the home. But, there are many other reasons so many homeowners opt for a lawn. Some feel it brings them closer to nature, and enjoy spending time feeling the soft grass beneath their feet. Others simply consider a lush lawn a symbol of summer and look forward to countless hours enjoying their lush landscape with family and friends. The smell of freshly mowed grass has even been found by researchers to improve overall mood and longevity. (more…)

Wowing With Water Features: Create An Exquisite Focal Point

March 08, 2018

How to Plan, Design, and Maintain Your Water Feature

Water has long been considered one of life’s four essential elements (along with fire, earth, and air). It’s not only vital to survival, it heals, sustains, and balances. Research proves listening to water can decrease stress and lift the spirit, and watching it can dazzle and delight. There are many reasons our Portland landscaping clients install water features. In addition to the intrinsic and aesthetic benefits of water, the sound of moving water is a great way to drown out traffic or other unwelcome noise. Water features also attract wildlife to your yard. If you’re interested in creating a Zen retreat or a meditation garden, be sure to include a water feature as a key ingredient in your overall design. (more…)

