Category: Landscape Maintenance Services

From Blank Slate to Beautiful Landscape

August 10, 2020

Every artist loves a blank canvas. Well, the same holds true for landscape designers. An empty piece of land holds so many possibilities – no matter the size. We understand, though if the possibilities and bringing them to life seem a little overwhelming. But turning your dreamscape into reality is not as difficult as you might think. The secret is knowing where to start and how to start and doing things in the right order. And all of this just takes a bit of planning! (more…)

Creating Interest in Your Yard with Focal Points and Special Features

March 01, 2020

One of the things we love about landscape design is that no two yards are the same. Just take a stroll through your own neighborhood and you will see an abundance of diversity and creativity. You will also notice that some yards, no matter how lush or minimalist, are more pleasing to the eye.  Are they better maintained? Maybe, but more likely, they have various elements that are simply more interesting to look at.  (more…)

Green Landscaping: 5 Tips for a Lush and Eco-Friendly Landscape

February 01, 2020

Is it possible to have a beautiful lawn, lush landscape, a pest-free garden and be environmentally friendly? Yes! It’s not only possible, but it is relatively easy when you follow these simple “green landscaping” methods. (more…)

Year-Round Yard Maintenance – What to do when!

January 19, 2020

Ever walk through your neighborhood and notice how some yards look good no matter the season? Whatever the style, from finely manicured landscapes to less formal gardens, some yards always seem to be well dressed – even in the dead of winter. Does a master gardener live in each of these homes? Probably not, but one thing they do all have in common: regular, year-round maintenance. (more…)

Top Landscape Design Trends for 2020

December 11, 2019

When it comes to landscape design, we have learned to expect the unexpected – especially here in Portland, where doing your own thing seems to be a cultural hallmark. In spite of the strong creative and independent Portland spirit (which we love), we have seen certain trends manifest in yards and landscapes across the city over the years and 2020 will be no different. Here are our top five trends we’re seeing as we head into the new year. (more…)

Outdoor Living in the Pacific Northwest: It’s not just for the summer months!

November 01, 2019

Long-time residents of the Pacific Northwest know that, in spite of our rainy reputation, we have some of the best weather in the country any time of year and outdoor living here just can’t be beat.  (more…)

Planning on fall projects? Don’t wait!

September 01, 2019

It’s September and while “back to school” gets all the attention, we all know summer is not really over. Those who have lived in the Pacific Northwest long enough know September often brings the best weather of the year! Days are still warm, but not too hot; nights are cool and crisp, but still pleasant; and our rainy season has not quite begun. It’s also not unusual for an extended summer to last weeks into October. For gardeners and landscapers especially, September is the last hurrah. (more…)

Midsummer Guide To Landscape And Garden Care

August 01, 2019

Midsummer Guide To Landscape And Garden Care in Portland Oregon Portland landscapes are in full bloom this time of year, treating residents and visitors to an abundance of colorful and fragrant roses, fuchsia, and perennials. Landscapes need maintaining throughout summer’s high-growth season. If you’re planning out your midsummer gardening tasks, here’s a good list to get you started: (more…)

Top 3 Design Tips From Portland Landscaping Experts

July 01, 2019

Landscape East West Stone Patio“Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively.” Did you know these wise words from the Dalai Lama apply to landscape design? Landscape design experts start with sound design principles as a foundation. They can then produce stunning designs knowing they may decide to break a few rules to accommodate their creative choices. (more…)

6 Reasons You Need Full-Service Residential Landscape Maintenance

March 07, 2019

Homeowners have a choice when it comes to residential maintenance. They can opt for a basic service that’s just that: mowing your lawn, blowing off any leaves, and little else. Professionals refer to these operations as “mow, blow, and go” because their business model depends on quantity over quality. Expertise and experience matters. Just because someone can build you a cabinet doesn’t mean you’d hire them to build your house. If excellence and quality service matters to you, you need a full-service landscaping maintenance company with a reputation you can trust. (more…)
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